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Marquis Invest Gemstones diamonds rough emerald


Invest: Welcome

Marquis specialises in coloured gemstones and diamonds as tangible assets, forming part of a diverse portfolio to protect wealth. 

We view these precious commodities as an attractive alternative investment solution and encourage our clients to consider high-grade gemstones as part of a long-term strategy.  

The prime focus is wealth retention with the added potential benefit of a physically beautiful asset and the intention of exceeding medium to long-term financial growth rates for standard assets.  


​The value of diamonds and gemstones can rise and fall dependent on markets and external factors. 

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Diamonds and coloured gemstones have shown strong asset value retention and are largely impervious to short-term financial shocks in a macro economic context, with the ability to provide capital growth when looked at over a medium to long timescale.

 Benefits of investing in gemstones:

  • Rare

  • Durable

  • Portable

  • Transferable 

  • Relative liquidity

  • Increasing demand and limited supply

  • Tangible asset with intrinsic value

  • Aesthetic qualities invoke emotional attachment, adaptable to be enjoyed in a piece of jewellery

  • Bearer of inheritance easily passed to another generation

  • Uncorrelated to the market, safe-haven asset in times of economic turmoil.  

Invest: About


Once you have decided on the amount of capital you wish to invest and funded your account, gemstones and diamonds are procured on your behalf.
After acquiring the assets you will receive a full report of stone selection and allocation, fees, research, and the projected outlook of your portfolio.


The stones are vaulted and insured in a secure facility. Storage in Guernsey offers the natural security of an island and does not levy capital gains tax or hold the imposition of value-added tax or goods and sales tax.



Each portfolio is tailored to your unique requirements. Aware that gemstone investment is not 'one size fits all', portfolios are created personalised to your risk appetite, time horizon, capital level and investment objectives.  Throughout your investment term regular reporting keeps you informed of the performance on your portfolio.

Invest: News & Updates


Sophie knows gemstones, she has an expertise and passion that makes investing in them a joy.

With an active approach to investing and access to worldwide market places your portfolio is managed effectively; acquiring and liquidating assets should the opportunity present itself to enhance the performance of your portfolio, within your investment parameters.


With the desire for our diamonds and gemstones to do good, we offer client the opportunity of offset investing.  So you know your portfolio is doing good and making a positive impact.  

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Invest: Opening Hours
Invest: List



Gemstones and diamonds are selected with the best relative value and growth prospects.  When selecting stones the following criteria are considered. 










Marquis diamond investment gemstone


"I believe investing in gemstones and diamonds
should be simple, easy and stress-free.  I started
Marquis Gems to reframe the way gemstones are
perceived, transforming them into a credible asset
and an accessible alternative.  Investing in gemstones
and diamonds is about enjoying them as a beautiful gift
from nature whilst knowing you are benefitting financially."

- Sophie Marquis, Director and Founder Marquis

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Start your investment portfolio now and fall in love with gemstones and the potential returns they bring.  This could be the best decision you've ever made...

Get in touch to begin your investment journey.

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